Jennifer Jones
MS, LPC, CSAT, CMAT, CSOT, CCP, EMDR Trainer, Master Reiki Practitioner
Jennifer Jones is a licensed psychotherapist with over 20 years of experience in the mental health field, specializing in trauma and addiction therapy. She is a certified EMDR therapist, consultant, and trainer, and a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist and Multiple Addiction Therapist.
Jennifer's approach integrates holistic treatments such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga practices, and Esogetic Colorpuncture (needleless acupuncture) to achieve greater treatment and recovery outcomes. She also uses the EMDR Flash Technique to help her clients achieve healing.
Her extensive work began with in-home therapy of children involved in CPS and foster care due to abuse and neglect. Later, her treatment focus expanded to cover complex trauma, childhood sexual abuse, incest, and emotional and physical abuse.
Jennifer actively works with parents to better protect and then understand their children's symptoms instead of blaming the child. This empowers parents to better meet their child's developmental needs and improve attachment wounds and healing, leading to a more authentic, caring, and supportive relationship.
Jennifer is trained to treat sex addiction and process addictions, specializing in pornography and video game addiction. She runs Sex Addiction Recovery groups for men in WI and Puerto Rico, as well as individual recovery and attachment/trauma-based therapy, specializing in mental health and recovery. She provides pro bono EMDR consultation and therapy for clinicians and their clients with complex trauma. Her colleagues provide relief for therapists, resulting in well-rounded change, hope, and results for the island. Jennifer has formed the 1st ever EMDR-TRN "Greater San Juan & Yabucoa" Puerto Rico, with fellow clinicians on the island. Jennifer is currently working on writing and planning several books and research, which will be released in the future. She is the only EMDRIA-approved EMDR trainer, cross-trained as a CSAT. Jennifer was awarded the 2016 EMDR Advocacy Award by EMDRIA and the 2019 IITAP Outstanding Educator Award by IITAP.